Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Mystery of The Magical Cucumber Tree: Relationships With Trees; The 9/11 Survivor Tree

The President of the Sargent-Downing Garden and Nursery has written a book, available to purchase for $20. It's titled, "The Mystery of The Magical Cucumber Tree: Relationships With Trees; The 9/11 Survivor Tree".

The story is about a beautiful family camping trip which leads to the discovery of a Cucumber Magnolia tree on the Craig House mansion in Beacon New York.The tree takes us on a mystery magical journey to the mid 1800's.

In the middle of our research we find out about Andrew Jackson Downing and Henry Winthrop Sargent. The story is full of talking trees,a mysterious castle on an island and a talking owl.
During the story we learn all about the history of early American horticulture,Central Park and how it all began in the Hudson Valley Region.

Included in the book is an Appendix which includes a supplement about the 9/11 Survivor Tree.
The book inspires young and adult readers who are interested in organics, sustainability, trees, plants, nature and making a change for future generations.

Purchase your copy online today!

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